Honestly, I think the word “mission” sounds a little dramatic and grand for what's happening here. I started writing with the intention that I would only see it. I discovered that I seem to process things better by writing them down. It wasn't until the last couple of years that I started to think seriously about sharing my experience. I've started and stopped writing blogs before because I felt like it needed to be perfect; I started feeling this pressure to be positive all the time because that's what I felt people wanted from me. I'm trying to change that way of thinking because It's not reality. Being human is hard work, and adulthood continues to get more confusing and complicated.

I’ve felt out of place for most of my life even though I was dealing with all the “typical” human things. It’s like society is trained to have tunnel vision and only focuses only on the first difference they see. In my case, that’s my disability.

I want people to see me and others as dynamic and complex beings because everyone deserves to be seen for all they are.

ABOUTGillian Backlin